At an early age, when we got hungry our parents gave us food to eat. As babies, we knew exactly when to eat and when we were full. The relationship between food and hunger was simple.
As we grew older - we lost this ability - this inner wisdom. Now, the food-hunger relationship is more complex and we eat for several reasons including nutrition, emotion, stress, reward or influence.
Hunger - is defined as an urgent need for food or a specific nutrient. Despite what you may have heard there are just two categories of hunger - Physical Hunger and Sensory Hunger. Being able to make this simple distinction will help you control hunger and food cravings.
Physical Hunger - is a biological need for nutrition to keep our bodies running. Nutrition is divided into these classes - carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water. The human body has a natural signal system to indicate when we are dehydrated or deficient in one of these vital nutrients.
Sensory Hunger - is directly linked to emotion, stress, reward or influence. This hunger is experienced as sensations within our bodies and minds even when we are really not hungry. We are constantly being influenced to eat and surrounded by food in our daily activities. Our automatic response to these sensations is putting food in our mouths.
We have four simple steps to get you started.
The word you are looking for is SELF.
SELF - Stop | Evaluate | Listen | Focus
Stop eating fast. Research has shown eating slowly will allow the " I'm full " signals from your stomach to reach your brain. Spending an extra 15 minutes could be time well spent. Set the table and have a meal.
Evaluate whether your hunger is Physical or Sensory. Remember only Physical Hunger is solved with the consumption of food. Feed your senses slowly and sparingly. Evaluate your hunger at regular intervals.
Listen to your body's natural hunger signals and eat until you are comfortably full. This may be half of a portion size and is the key to stop overeating.
Focus your attention and intention on your meal - do nothing else. The presentation of your meal is important to feeding your senses. Savour each bite you eat.
When you ignore real physical hunger you are more likely to make rash food choices. Usually, these food choices are limited to fast food, sugary or high-fat snacks. Building a daily routine of balanced meals and snacks, throughout the week will keep you focused on eating healthy & filling foods.
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