The Profound Power of Valentine's Day - History or Dark Legend

Every year on February 14th, in many places around the world, loved ones exchange chocolates, flowers & gifts. What are the true origins of Valentine's Day? Is it based on History or Dark Legend? And who is St. Valentine?

St. Valentine was supposedly a bishop or temple priest, who married Roman soldiers, an act strictly forbidden by the Christian faith. St. Valentine was arrested and condemned to death for this practice by Emperor Claudius II. Imprisoned by the Romans, he was tortured, beaten with clubs and beheaded on February 14th, AD 270.

The Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia every year from February 13th to 15th in honor of the god Lupercus, the protector of goats & sheep. This raucous pagan celebration was an annual festival where naked men spanked young maidens, with goat or dog skin whips, to increase their fertility.

The heart shape ideograph is the universal symbol of romantic love. Yet, the first historical illustration of a romantic heart dates back to the 13th century, in a manuscript of a French romance called “Roman de la Poire” which means "Romance of the Pear".

An image from this romance tale depicts a man on bended knee handing his heart to his lady lover, and is now famous for featuring the heart in a metaphorical sense.

Every day, millions of people send digital hearts over social media to express emotion for something or to someone.

The profound power of holding hands with another human being is a simple act, that can expresses a deep connection or spark instant intimacy. Holding hands is a promise to one another that, for just a moment, the two of you don't have to face the world alone.

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