Adventure Series – London Ontario – Westminster Ponds

At just over 250 hectares, the Westminster Ponds Environmentally Significant Area is the largest natural habitat in London. Designated as a Provincially Significant Wetland, the ESA is important because of it's sheer size, rich variety of natural habitats, rolling topography and unique kettle ponds.

The Westminster Ponds is located within the Ingersoll Moraine, an east-west ridge of till deposited during the last glaciation some 12,000 years ago. The six (6) ponds were created when large blocks of ice broke off settling into permanent depressions and would later melt forming the "Kettle Ponds".

The six (6) larger Kettle Ponds are:

  • Saunders Pond
  • Tumbleson Pond
  • Spettigue Pond
  • Thompson Pond
  • North Pond
  • South Pond

Over 60% of the plant species in Middlesex County can be found in the Westminster Ponds ESA. A very sensitive & narrow band of bog habitat can be found on the borders of Spettigue Pond - quite an uncommon feature in SouthWestern Ontario. Both Tamarack Trees & LeatherLeaf Shrubs are among some of the species found growing from the thick mat of peat.

The Meeting Tree is a 700 year old white oak tree that is believed to have served as a meeting place during the 1800s for thousands of slaves who escaped via the Underground Railroad. Standing at 10 stories high, it has far surpassed the average life span of a white oak tree of between 300 to 600 years.

Important Information & Things the UTRCA wants You to Remember:

  • Use only the official access points indicated on the trail maps.
  • Walk only on the managed trails marked by the yellow blazes.
  • All pets must be on a leash of 2m/6ft max. Please pick up after your dog.
  • Do not disturb wildlife or pick or transplant flowers.
  • Access is allowed from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
  • Bicycles are not permitted in ESAs. Except on specially designated pathways indicated by signs.
  • Keep the ESAs litter free - Please pick up after yourself.
  • Fishing is permitted with a provincial fishing licence. Hunting is not permitted.
  • Do not release goldfish or other pets into the ESA.

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Remember, be safe and have fun exploring !!!
