Discover a world of adventure, find thirteen (13) Mythical Hidden Creature Souvenirs. Points are awarded for attending events and finding caches from June 27 through July 25. Earn one point for every cache or event logged. Each Hidden Creature souvenir is valued at a certain number of points.
As you accumulate the specified amount of points the associated souvenir is awarded and viewable on your profile under the Souvenir tab. Sadly the Hidden Creatures souvenirs do not incorporate the Friend League which was introduced about 1 year ago. Hopefully, the Friend League will return in future gameplay.
GeoCaching is an outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a GPSr capable device to navigate to cleverly hidden containers called GeoCaches. It is the largest real world treasure hunt with over 3.1M GeoCaches and millions more active GeoCachers playing the game worldwide.
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Remember, be safe and have fun exploring !!!
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